相关简介:C/C++ Code 复制内容到剪贴板 DRAWGBKLAST(v1,STRIP(RGB(00,0,0),RGB(90,90,90),0)); {DRAWGBK(DATE900101,STRIP(RGB(0,150,130),RGB(0,0,0),0));} 买线:=EMA(C,2); 卖线:=EMA(SLOPE(C,18)*20+C,52); BU:=cross(买线,卖线); SEL:=cross(卖线,买线); drawtext(bu,LOW, 'B' ),

C/C++ Code复制内容到剪贴板
- DRAWGBKLAST(v>1,STRIP(RGB(00,0,0),RGB(90,90,90),0));
- {DRAWGBK(DATE>900101,STRIP(RGB(0,150,130),RGB(0,0,0),0));}
- 买线:=EMA(C,2);
- 卖线:=EMA(SLOPE(C,18)*20+C,52);
- BU:=cross(买线,卖线);
- SEL:=cross(卖线,买线);
- drawtext(bu,LOW,'B'),ALIGN1,VALIGN0,colorred,linethick3;
- drawtext(sel,HIGH,'S'),ALIGN1,VALIGN2,colorgreen,linethick3;
- stickline(买线>=卖线,low,high,0.1,1),colorred;
- stickline(买线>=卖线,close,open,8,1),colorred;
- stickline(买线<卖线,low,high,0.1,1),color00ff00;
- stickline(买线<卖线,close,open,8,1),color00ff00;
- stickline(cross(买线,卖线) or cross(卖线,买线),open,close,6,0),colorffff00;
- 指导线: MA(CLOSE,3),linethick1,ColorFFffFF;
- 年线: MA(CLOSE,18),linethick1,Color00FFFF;
- 生命线: MA(CLOSE,288),linethick1,Color0055FF;
- DRAWTEXT(cross(指导线,年线),年线,' ̄ ̄'),ALIGN1,VALIGN0,Colorffffff;
- DRAWTEXT(cross(年线,指导线),年线,' ̄ ̄'),ALIGN1,Color00ffff;
- RSV:=(CLOSE-LLV(LOW,9))/(HHV(HIGH,9)-LLV(LOW,9))*100;
- K:=SMA(RSV,3,1);
- D:=SMA(K,3,1);
- J:=3*K-2*D;
- G:=95;
- DRAWTEXT(cross(J,D),L*0.999,''),Color00ffff,linethick4;
- DRAWTEXT(cross(J,D),L,''),Color00ffff;
- DRAWTEXT(cross(J,G),H*1.005,''),Colorffff00,linethick4;
- DRAWTEXT(cross(J,G),H,''),Colorffff00;
- dp:=if(c=INDEXC,0,1);
- gj:=AMOUNT/v/100;
- 明日阻力:=l+(gj-l)+(c-l);
- 明日支撑:=l+(c-gj);
- 今日阻力:=REF(明日阻力 , 1);
- 今日支撑:=REF(明日支撑 , 1);
- STICKLINE(DISPSTATUS=2 and dp=1 and c>=今日阻力,今日阻力,今日阻力,30,0),Color0000FF;
- STICKLINE(DISPSTATUS=2 and dp=1 and c<今日阻力,今日阻力,今日阻力,30,0),Color00FF00;
- STICKLINE(DISPSTATUS=2 and dp=1 and c>=今日支撑,今日支撑,今日支撑,30,0),ColorFF00FF;
- STICKLINE(DISPSTATUS=2 and dp=1 and c<今日支撑,今日支撑,今日支撑,30,0),ColorFF0000;
- if DISPSTATUS=2 then a:=BARPOS;
- if DISPSTATUS=1 then b:=BARPOS;
- d:=a-b;
- e:=hhv(h,d);
- DRAWTEXT(c>0 and dp=1 and DISPSTATUS=2, e*1.08,'-----------------------------------'),ColorFFFFFF,ALIGN2;
- DRAWTEXT(c>0 and dp=1 and DISPSTATUS=2 and c>=今日支撑, e*1.07,'今日支撑=:'+NUMTOSTRN(今日支撑 ,2 )+' '),ColorFF00FF,ALIGN2;
- DRAWTEXT(c>0 and dp=1 and DISPSTATUS=2 and c<今日支撑, e*1.07,'今日支撑=:'+NUMTOSTRN(今日支撑 ,2 )+' '),ColorFF0000,ALIGN2;
- DRAWTEXT(c>0 and dp=1 and DISPSTATUS=2 and c>=今日阻力, e*1.07,'今日阻力=:'+NUMTOSTRN(今日阻力 ,2 )),Color0000FF,ALIGN2;
- DRAWTEXT(c>0 and dp=1 and DISPSTATUS=2 and c<今日阻力, e*1.07,'今日阻力=:'+NUMTOSTRN(今日阻力 ,2 )),Color00FF00,ALIGN2;
- DRAWTEXT(c>0 and dp=1 and DISPSTATUS=2, e*1.04,'-----------------------------------'),ColorFFFFFF,ALIGN2;
- DRAWTEXT(c>0 and dp=1 and DISPSTATUS=2 and c>=明日支撑, e*1.05,'明日支撑=:'+NUMTOSTRN(明日支撑 ,2 )+' '),Color00FFFF,ALIGN2;
- DRAWTEXT(c>0 and dp=1 and DISPSTATUS=2 and c<明日支撑, e*1.05,'明日支撑=:'+NUMTOSTRN(明日支撑 ,2 )+' '),Color00FFFF,ALIGN2;
- DRAWTEXT(c>0 and dp=1 and DISPSTATUS=2 and c>=明日阻力, e*1.05,'明日阻力=:'+NUMTOSTRN(明日阻力 ,2 )),Color00FFFF,ALIGN2;
- DRAWTEXT(c>0 and dp=1 and DISPSTATUS=2 and c<明日阻力, e*1.05,'明日阻力=:'+NUMTOSTRN(明日阻力 ,2 )),Color00FFFF,ALIGN2;
- DRAWTEXT(c>0 and dp=1 and DISPSTATUS=2 and v>ref(v,1) and ma(v,5)>ref(ma(v,5),1),e*1.03,' 今日成交量大于昨日,且有继续增大趋势'),Color8285FF,ALIGN2;
- DRAWTEXT(c>0 and dp=1 and DISPSTATUS=2 and v<ref(v,1) and ma(v,5)>ref(ma(v,5),1),e*1.03,' 今日成交量小于昨日,但有放大迹象'),Color8285FF,ALIGN2;
- DRAWTEXT(c>0 and dp=1 and DISPSTATUS=2 and v>ref(v,1)and ma(v,5)<ref(ma(v,5),1),e*1.03,' 今日成交量大于昨日, 但有缩小迹象'),Color8285FF,ALIGN2;
- DRAWTEXT(c>0 and dp=1 and DISPSTATUS=2 and v<ref(v,1)and ma(v,5)<ref(ma(v,5),1),e*1.03,' 今日成交量小于昨日,且有缩小迹象'),Color8285FF,ALIGN2;
- DRAWTEXT(c>0 and dp=1 and DISPSTATUS=2 and v>ref(v,1)and ma(v,5)<ref(ma(v,5),1),e*1.03,' 今日成交量大于昨日, 但有缩小迹象'),Color8285FF,ALIGN2;
- DRAWTEXT(c>0 and dp=1 and DISPSTATUS=2 and v<ref(v,1)and ma(v,5)<ref(ma(v,5),1),e*1.03,' 今日成交量小于昨日,且有缩小迹象'),Color8285FF,ALIGN2;
- DRAWTEXTREL(20,30,'操盘手BS'),LINETHICK6,Coloryellow;
- if DISPSTATUS=2 then begin;
- var100:='所属板块:';
- if inblock('电力')=1 then var100:=var100+' 电力';
- if inblock('电脑')=1 then var100:=var100+' 电脑';
- if inblock('电器')=1 then var100:=var100+' 电器';
- if inblock('电子信息')=1 then var100:=var100+' 电子信息';
- if inblock('房地产')=1 then var100:=var100+' 房地产';
- if inblock('纺织服装')=1 then var100:=var100+' 纺织服装';
- if inblock('钢铁')=1 then var100:=var100+' 钢铁';
- if inblock('工程建筑')=1 then var100:=var100+' 工程建筑';
- if inblock('供水供气')=1 then var100:=var100+' 供水供气';
- if inblock('化工')=1 then var100:=var100+' 化工';
- if inblock('化纤')=1 then var100:=var100+' 化纤';
- if inblock('机械')=1 then var100:=var100+' 机械';
- if inblock('建材')=1 then var100:=var100+' 建材';
- if inblock('交通工具')=1 then var100:=var100+' 交通工具';
- if inblock('交通设施')=1 then var100:=var100+' 交通设施';
- if inblock('教育传媒')=1 then var100:=var100+' 教育传媒';
- if inblock('金融')=1 then var100:=var100+' 金融';
- if inblock('旅游酒店')=1 then var100:=var100+' 旅游酒店';
- if inblock('煤炭石油')=1 then var100:=var100+' 煤炭石油';
- if inblock('酿酒食品')=1 then var100:=var100+' 酿酒食品';
- if inblock('农林牧渔')=1 then var100:=var100+' 农林牧渔';
- if inblock('其他行业')=1 then var100:=var100+' 其他行业';
- if inblock('汽车')=1 then var100:=var100+' 汽车';
- if inblock('汽配')=1 then var100:=var100+' 汽配';
- if inblock('商业连锁')=1 then var100:=var100+' 商业连锁';
- if inblock('石化')=1 then var100:=var100+' 石化';
- if inblock('通信')=1 then var100:=var100+' 通信';
- if inblock('外贸')=1 then var100:=var100+' 外贸';
- if inblock('医药')=1 then var100:=var100+' 医药';
- if inblock('仪电仪表')=1 then var100:=var100+' 仪电仪表';
- if inblock('有色金属')=1 then var100:=var100+' 有色金属';
- if inblock('运输物流')=1 then var100:=var100+' 运输物流';
- if inblock('造纸印刷')=1 then var100:=var100+' 造纸印刷';
- if inblock('安徽')=1 then var100:=var100+' 安徽';
- if inblock('北京')=1 then var100:=var100+' 北京';
- if inblock('福建')=1 then var100:=var100+' 福建';
- if inblock('甘肃')=1 then var100:=var100+' 甘肃';
- if inblock('广东')=1 then var100:=var100+' 广东';
- if inblock('广西')=1 then var100:=var100+' 广西';
- if inblock('贵州')=1 then var100:=var100+' 贵州';
- if inblock('海南')=1 then var100:=var100+' 海南';
- if inblock('河北')=1 then var100:=var100+' 河北';
- if inblock('河南')=1 then var100:=var100+' 河南';
- if inblock('黑龙江')=1 then var100:=var100+' 黑龙江';
- if inblock('湖北')=1 then var100:=var100+' 湖北';
- if inblock('湖南')=1 then var100:=var100+' 湖南';
- if inblock('吉林')=1 then var100:=var100+' 吉林';
- if inblock('江苏')=1 then var100:=var100+' 江苏';
- if inblock('江西')=1 then var100:=var100+' 江西';
- if inblock('辽宁')=1 then var100:=var100+' 辽宁';
- if inblock('内蒙古')=1 then var100:=var100+' 内蒙古';
- if inblock('宁夏')=1 then var100:=var100+' 宁夏';
- if inblock('青海')=1 then var100:=var100+' 青海';
- if inblock('山东')=1 then var100:=var100+' 山东';
- if inblock('山西')=1 then var100:=var100+' 山西';
- if inblock('陕西')=1 then var100:=var100+' 陕西';
- if inblock('上海')=1 then var100:=var100+' 上海';
- if inblock('深圳')=1 then var100:=var100+' 深圳';
- if inblock('四川')=1 then var100:=var100+' 四川';
- if inblock('天津')=1 then var100:=var100+' 天津';
- if inblock('***')=1 then var100:=var100+' ***';
- if inblock('新疆')=1 then var100:=var100+' 新疆';
- if inblock('云南')=1 then var100:=var100+' 云南';
- if inblock('浙江')=1 then var100:=var100+' 浙江';
- if inblock('重庆')=1 then var100:=var100+' 重庆';
- if inblock('3G')=1 then var100:=var100+' 3G';
- if inblock('H股')=1 then var100:=var100+' H股';
- if inblock('QFII持股')=1 then var100:=var100+' QFII持股';
- if inblock('ST')=1 then var100:=var100+' ST';
- if inblock('奥运')=1 then var100:=var100+' 奥运';
- if inblock('创投')=1 then var100:=var100+' 创投';
- if inblock('次新股')=1 then var100:=var100+' 次新股';
- if inblock('大盘')=1 then var100:=var100+' 大盘';
- if inblock('股权改革')=1 then var100:=var100+' 股权改革';
- if inblock('股权投资')=1 then var100:=var100+' 股权投资';
- end;
- DRAWTEXTREL(20,190,var100),color00ffff;
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